Friday, January 13, 2012

Children & Voting

As time goes on, the far left inevitable loses voters, so they must steal the minds of our children. Their worldview self-destructs because many on the far left have few or no children by choice.  In contrast, those on the right have children, and if not biologically they adopt.  This causes great consternation to the left because the absurdity of their worldview is put on display every time a child is born.

Though times appear to be going stagnant for years to come, God always preserves a remnant, and that remnant has children. We do not have children to influence elections, but a large number of godly children who grow into adulthood inevitably affect society.

Let us therefore raise children to the glory of God that He might be made known in our society. So remember, the next time that you are ridiculed for having children, especially a lot of them, point out that our worldview is not the one the rocks because it is built on The Rock, He Who is LORD of lords and King of kings! Amen!

To Him be the glory!

1 comment:

  1. That's why they must steal our children in government schools and secular colleges and universities. They have to affect the next generation somewhere! The questions for Christian parents then become: do I send my children to a government public school? And if they choose to train them at home and send them into a college or university, have they prepared them to think critically about the worldly philosophy that they will encounter while there? People who don't think for themselves will fall for any line of reasoning.
