Allegations of sodomy and other immoral behavior have wreaked havoc upon Penn State University and its leadership. Head Football Coach Paterno was forced to resign, which took a career of fame and turned it into brutal shame. What can we learn from this? When scandals occur within the Church, how are Christians supposed to handle such things?
Church discipline must me be swift and immediate, for, when a black eye smears the Church, a quick response reduces the damage and elevates the justice of a Holy God. Likewise, if the act is criminal, it must be reported to the police as soon as possible, for the subject has not only violated the Church but also the state in its attempt to maintain order by prosecuting the wicked.
When the Church fails in one or both of the above responsibilities, a great blight continues and the faithful are shamed. The glory of God is tarnished among men, and the Holy Spirit is grieved. Nevertheless, God always has His vengeance, and He never fails to vindicate His Holy Name.
Finally, we are to urge repentance that the fallen saint might be restored to fellowship. That may require the loss of a position and even jail time, but God forgives the man who repents and turns to Christ.
Ultimately, all of us are rightly condemned to Eternal Hell, yet Christ laid down His life for His sheep making atonement for their sins. Let us never forget the grace He has given to miserable men like us who are chief of sinners, and let us never boast in anyone except Christ.
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