Sola Scriptura
happens when Biblical Authority is denied? Sin runs wild, and man
plunges into further darkness as a result. How did this occur in the
West? Sin took root through evolutionary humanistic old-earth dogma;
this was brought upon us from atheists, agnostics, and deists of the
17th, 18th, and 19th centuries who hated everything Scriptural. A Great
Divorce then occurred between the theology of the Bible and how we
interpret the natural world around us. Sadly, the clergy caved in to
this, lest they be considered outdated and un-educated. Instead of
interpreting the natural world through a Biblical lens, the authority,
sufficiency, inerrancy, and inspiration of Holy Scripture was denied. That is, we left Sola Scriptura as the framework for our worldview. In
its place, old-earth evolutionary humanism erected itself as
the new lens by which all things should be interpreted through. The
ramifications took hold quickly, and the West plunged itself into moral
anarchy and lawlessness.
God's Word is the Only True Authority by which to understand all of
reality, for His Word never returns empty and always accomplishes its
purpose (Is 55:11).
Praise God for His powerful Word! Amen! How then do we remarry the
Bible with historical and scientific reality again? Many Christians
fight issues like abortion and rightly so, but they do so without the
underpinnings of Biblical Authority from Genesis to Revelation.
We must begin by asserting all of the Bible as authoritative from
beginning to end. The Bible is not a physics textbook, but, when it
speaks on matters of biology, geology, history, it is always absolutely without error.
we must begin to rebuild the foundations that have been beaten down as
we raise God's Word to its rightful position of authority (Is 58:12)!
Amen! We are then able to box without our hands tied behind our backs.
Instead, we attack the root of godlessness, which is sin, however that
is manifested, and then launch heavily against the fruits of
godlessness at the same time! Amen!
To Him be the glory! Amen!
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