Monday, November 21, 2011

The Resurrection: An Inconvenient Truth

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the central question of Christianity, for it rises and falls upon the bodily resurrection of Christ.  Everything He said and did was cemented by His resurrection.  For this reason, many fables have been developed to deny His resurrection.  The stolen body, the swoon theory, the flat out denial of Jesus ever living to begin with, etc. are all vain attempts to deny Christ, who is Lord of lords and King of kings.

We just cannot get past the marvel that is the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.  There were so many converts to Christ from pagan cultures right from the start.  The God of the Bible is different than all the pagan deities, and the resurrection of Christ from the dead magnifies this.  Vast numbers of people literally forsook their old ways of paganism to worship the Living Christ! 

Such mass conversion would not have happened apart from the resurrection.  To wave the magic wand of materialism and simply dismiss everything is both dishonest and deceptive.  Explaining away the resurrection is a fool's work, for it forces one to deny the birth of Christianity via the resurrection and its mass propagation shortly thereafter. 

The glory of it all is that the Apostles were willing to die for a truth that no sane man would do if he knew it were a lie.  Maybe one man might die for a lie, but to believe that all of the Apostles (along with many affiliates) would do so is beyond comprehension.  Though such does not prove the resurrection, their willingness to suffer immensely for what they knew was the truth is completely consistent with reality. 

The truth of the matter is that men steal from the Truth of the Resurrection in order to argue against it, for it is God in Christ that makes sense of the world and gives us an accounting for law, knowledge, ethics, etc.  They despise the Lord of hosts, but they need Him to justify their very ability to argue and complain in a meaningful way, for, without Him, they cannot even justify the reality of their own existence.

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