Friday, November 25, 2011

Taking Back the Rainbow: The Insult of Gay Marriage to the LORD God

If marriage is not defined as between one man and one woman for a lifetime, then it can mean anything. Gay marriage is only the tip of the ice-berg. Why not polygamy, or two men and three women, or four animals and a woman, or two boys and five men, etc? It just becomes that insane. Believe me, there are plenty of people waiting to jump on that crazy roller coaster of sin.

My greatest beef with the homosexual community is how they have hi-jacked the rainbow. The rainbow is one of the most beautiful phenomenon when it appears in the sky, for it is the great sign of God's grace to humanity as displayed before Noah after the Flood. Now it is a symbol of rebellion and hatred towards the LORD God! It's so bad that if you put a rainbow on your car, people think you are gay! What blasphemous times we live in! Amen!

However, like dinosaurs and every other created thing, we are taking them back as Ken Ham would say. The godless have stolen the things of God and claimed it for themselves, but God will not let His Name be trashed forever. We shall reopen the old wells and let the glory of God shine forth! Amen!

Therefore, may ye who are opposed to the LORD God repent while His grace is extended to you. Ye need not face the wrath of God and continue in your mire of vanity. This world of sin cannot bring satisfaction; it only brings judgment and personal disaster. Repent and be baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit! Amen!

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