Thursday, November 17, 2011

Studying the Old Testament to Understand the New Testament

Many people come to the New Testament and become lost in its many allusions to the Old Testament.  However, a thorough understanding of the Old Testament is critical in understanding the Person and Work of Christ in the New Testament.  Christ is the fulfillment of the New Testament because He is the Messiah who came in space and time to redeem a people to Himself.

A helpful way to understand the New Testament is to read the context of the passages that are alluded to from the Old Testament.  For example, Romans Chapter 4 speaks at length of Abraham and his justification by faith, so a good way to better comprehend the gravity of this passage is to go back and read through the accounts of Abraham in Genesis.

Because the Old Testament is most of the Bible, a regular digestion of the Old Testament is required to further grasp the glories found in the Work of Christ. As we chew upon the many accounts, prophetic passages, etc., we see how awesome Jesus Christ is, and so we are all the more thankful for what He has accomplished for His beloved sheep.  In turn, this roots out bitterness, envy, gossip, and all other forms of idolatry and wickedness.

Go now, and read your Old Testament!

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